Monday, June 27, 2016

The Little Drummer Boy Who Touched My Heart

Blog post written by Devin Burke
Marina del Rey, California

Today I learned something new.  Well, to be honest, I knew it already, but I had conveniently forgotten it. 

Whenever I've visited a "home" in the past, whether it be an elderly home, an orphanage, a hospital or like today, a home for kids with disabilities, I usually make it a point to "connect" with as many people as possible.  I act as if I'm going to a party, and being an outgoing person, I have no problem doing this.  I have this inner sense that I don't want to miss out on even one person that I can possibly meet.

However, today I was reminded that although it's good to be friendly and to mingle with lots of people, it's not necessarily the best way to spend my time in every situation.  The best use of my time today was doing what I felt the Lord led me to do,  pick a few kids and spend those hours together.  Doing this enabled me to break through barriers that naturally occur whenever I meet someone new, but especially with disabled kids that speak another language.  As each minute ticked by today, a natural bond occurred with the kids. By just smiling at the children, touching them and praying for them,  I started to understand them and my heart was able to hear them more and more.  I sensed their hearts heard mine as well.  

I spent a considerable amount of time with four different boys. I will never forget them.  I was especially touched by one boy named "Jose." Jose was small.   He used a wheelchair but would sometimes crawl out of it and move with his hands across the floor.  I taught him to play my dumbek drum and he loved it.  I let him wheel off at times with my drum and he would just play with the music.  Later when I was in his room I discovered that he loved being tickled.  So I kept tickling him as his  face filled with utter joy, until he finally crawled up to me and threw himself in my lap, where he hugged me and wanted me to tickle him.  He was in absolute heaven.  It was then it struck me.  I had broken through so many barriers at that point and God was using me to demonstrate the Father's loving touch, which he so desperately craved.  

My heart was hurting as I said good bye to Jose and the others today.  I wanted to stay and spend a few more hours with each of these boys.  And my heart wants to go back tomorrow but there's more work to be done and other needs to be met.


  1. Awww that's a sweet story. Reminds me that God is so attentive to us in connecting with us in intimate ways. He leaves 99 for one and connects deeply with us waiting to respond to His affections toward us. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Awww that's a sweet story. Reminds me that God is so attentive to us in connecting with us in intimate ways. He leaves 99 for one and connects deeply with us waiting to respond to His affections toward us. Thanks for the reminder.
